Upcoming Events
Click on the quick links below to learn more about each event:
PECA Presents: Methane Busters - March 2, 1:15pm (1st Sunday of each month - find PECA Presents zoom link here)
Climate Movie Night: Waste Not! - February 20, 6:30pm (3rd Thursday of each month - find Movie Night zoom link here)
Fridays for Future - Every Friday, 12-1 pm
Envisioning a Livable Future - a series of webinars throughout the year
PECA Presents
1st Sunday of the month at 1:15 pm; in-person or virtually!
March 2, 1:15pm
Methane Busters
More than 3.7 million oil and gas wells dot the United States, spewing 8.2 million metric tons of methane and other pollutants every year, according to the EPA; and that is just one source of human-caused methane. In this presentation we’ll learn about methane busters such as the oil companies that found that they can make even more money by capturing and selling their leaking methane. The Well Done Foundation, another methane buster, is capping leaking orphan oil wells. There are also methane busters who have created a vaccine for cow burps, and others who are developing a natural methane program to produce hydrogen.
Come join us as we learn about creative initiatives to address the continuing threat posed by methane pollution!
Join us Sunday, March 2nd at 1:15! Scroll down for both in-person and zoom information.
Please join us at PECA Presents:
When: Sunday March 2, 1:15pm
Where: First Congregational Church of Auburn (Fireside Room) located at 710 Auburn Ravine Rd (OR via zoom, see below)
ZOOM information for Sunday afternoon PECA Presents
First Sunday of the month, 1:15 PM Pacific Time
Click here to join the SUNDAY PECA PRESENTS zoom meeting
if needed, the passcode is: 383510
Are you looking for the zoom for Thursday Climate Movie Night? Click here for the THURSDAY MOVIE NIGHT zoom
PECA is an interfaith partnership of Placer County Faith Communities concerned about our climate crisis.
Climate Movie Night
Third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm; in-person or virtually!
February 20, 6:30pm
Waste Not
Tia Michell, the Senior Waste Zero Specialist for Recology Auburn Placer, will speak with us at the beginning of Movie Night. Then we will watch 3 shorts about what happens to our waste:
The Science of Cardboard (15 min)
What Really Happens to Recycled Glass (13 min)
Plastic Waste May Finally Have a Solution (16 min)
Tia Mitchell is an educator of “Waste Zero” throughout Placer County. Works closely with business owners, managers, and Placer County employees on recycling goals. Enjoys educating the local communities on how to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recologize!
Bring your questions about how waste is handled in Placer County, and join us Thursday, February 20th!
Scroll down for both in-person and zoom information.
The climate movies are shown at Auburn Presbyterian Church (or you can zoom!)
When: Thursday February 20, 6:30pm
Where: Auburn Presbyterian Church located at 13025 Bel Air Dr., Auburn (OR via zoom, see below)
ZOOM information for Thursday evening Climate Movie Night
Third Thursday of the month, 6:30 PM Pacific Time
Click here to join the THURSDAY CLIMATE MOVIE zoom meeting
if needed, the passcode is: 772730
Are you looking for the zoom for Sunday afternoon PECA Presents? Click here for the SUNDAY PECA PRESENTS zoom
PECA is an interfaith partnership of Placer County Faith Communities concerned about our climate crisis.
Other Events Related to our Mission
Join a Local Climate Strike Every Friday at Auburn City Hall! 12-1pm
Bring your own sign, or just add your voice to others at this weekly Auburn Fridays for Future event in order to agitate for Climate Change action. The Fridays for Future group in Auburn are a welcoming, friendly group - if you don’t have a sign, they will provide one!
What: Auburn Fridays for Future
When: EVERY Friday, 12-1 pm
Where: In front of the Auburn City Hall
Envisioning A Livable Future
Envisioning a Livable Future is an online, serial conference marking the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. This groundbreaking document called climate change “one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day,” proposed an analysis of “the human roots of the ecological crisis,” and advanced a new ecological vision for the challenges ahead.
The conference seeks to inspire lively interdisciplinary dialogues aimed at:
Raising ecological consciousness,
Drawing attention to climate-forward initiatives, and
Encouraging both personal discernment and social action.
Following the four spring 2025 events, fall 2025 events will address investment and finance for a greener future, the promise and perils of technology, and the role of the arts.
The 4 Spring Events take place on-line from 3:30 to 4:45 Pacific time:
Wed. Jan. 29: The Current State of Climate Science
Mon. Feb. 17: The Contribution of Catholic Social Thought
Tues. Mar. 11: The Political Economy of Climate Change
Wed. Apr. 9: Environmental Politics
Click here to explore the series and register for any of the webinars.