Upcoming Events

Click on the quick links below to learn more about each event:

PECA Presents

1st Sunday of the month at 1:15 pm; in-person or virtually!

April 6, 1:15pm

Happy Earth MOnth!

Read Your Way Through the 30 Days of April with Joan Griffin

Come celebrate the riches of our precious Earth with Joan Griffin, OLLI Instructor and author of The Force of Nature.  Joan is a true believer in the power of stories to inform, entertain, and inspire us to explore and preserve the beautiful, yet fragile, world that we live in.

Join us on April 6, 2025 and be inspired by Joan’s carefully curated list of Earth-centered books —> there is something for everyone!

Scroll down for both in-person and zoom information.

Please join us at PECA Presents:

When: Sunday April 6, 1:15pm

Where: First Congregational Church of Auburn (Fireside Room) located at 710 Auburn Ravine Rd (OR via zoom, see below)

ZOOM information for Sunday afternoon PECA Presents
First Sunday of the month, 1:15 PM Pacific Time
Click here to join the SUNDAY PECA PRESENTS zoom meeting
if needed, the passcode is: 383510
Are you looking for the zoom for Thursday Climate Movie Night? Click here for the THURSDAY MOVIE NIGHT zoom

PECA is an interfaith partnership of Placer County Faith Communities concerned about our climate crisis.

Climate Movie Night

Third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm; in-person or virtually!

March 20, 6:30pm

Attempt Climate Optimism

Improve your climate literacy with Dr. Simon Clark, science communicator extraordinaire.  We will watch 2 of his recent videos centered on the climate crisis:

    • The Cheapest Way to Beat Climate Change

      Which climate solution gives us the most bang for buck? There are lots of ways we are tackling the climate crisis, bringing down emissions and sucking carbon out of the atmosphere. But which method is the most cost-effective? For a given investment, which draws down the most carbon emissions? In this video Simon Clark answers that question... and then talks about why that answer doesn't necessarily mean much.

    • 2024: A Year in Climate Change

      2024: a year of shambolic international negotiations, and terrible headlines (with positive caveats). The past 12 months have been extremely eventful in the climate space. For the first time ever, the world is over 1.5C warmer than preindustrial times (though this won't last), emissions have climbed ever higher, and international negotiations perhaps reached their apex of ineffectiveness. But among all these negative headlines there are causes for optimism. Not enough to make the year anything other than a disaster, but enough to hold onto.

Find out which climate solutions give us the most bang for our buck and look for some optimism amidst the negative Climate headlines from 2024.

Join us Thursday, March 20th!

Scroll down for both in-person and zoom information.

The climate movies are shown at Auburn Presbyterian Church (or you can zoom!)

When: Thursday March 20, 6:30pm

Where: Auburn Presbyterian Church located at 13025 Bel Air Dr., Auburn (OR via zoom, see below)

ZOOM information for Thursday evening Climate Movie Night
Third Thursday of the month, 6:30 PM Pacific Time
Click here to join the THURSDAY CLIMATE MOVIE zoom meeting
if needed, the passcode is: 772730
Are you looking for the zoom for Sunday afternoon PECA Presents? Click here for the SUNDAY PECA PRESENTS zoom

PECA is an interfaith partnership of Placer County Faith Communities concerned about our climate crisis.

Other Events Related to our Mission

Placer 2050: Planning OUr Future

The Placer County Community Development Resource Agency is launching a series of in-person and online Placer 2050 General Plan Update visioning workshops beginning Feb. 26 through April 30.

The visioning workshops are an opportunity for residents and stakeholders to provide input into a variety of topical areas including sustainability, community design and housing, transportation, community health, safety and resilience, parks/open space, agriculture, economic development, utilities and infrastructure.

PECA encourages you to attend as a voice for climate change and resilience, and sustainability for the region. 


  • Feb. 26 – 6 p.m. Online workshop

  • April 5 –  10 a.m. Online workshop


  • Feb. 27 – 6-8 p.m., Martha Riley Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove, Blvd. Roseville

  • March 4 – 6-8 p.m., Placer County Health and Human Services Bldg., 11434 B Ave., Auburn

  • March 13 – 6-8 p.m., Maidu Community Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville

  • April 2 – 6-8 p.m., City of Lincoln Library Willow Room, 485 Twelve Bridges Dr., Lincoln

  • April 30 – 5 to 7:30 p.m., Tahoe Discover and Discuss, North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 N. Lake Tahoe Blvd., Kings Beach

Join a Local Climate Strike Every Friday at Auburn City Hall! 12-1pm

PECA Board members, Mary Joe Buettner, Barb Munn, and Linda Franklin at the Jan 20, 2023 Climate Friday Strike.

Bring your own sign, or just add your voice to others at this weekly Auburn Fridays for Future event in order to agitate for Climate Change action. The Fridays for Future group in Auburn are a welcoming, friendly group - if you don’t have a sign, they will provide one!

  • What: Auburn Fridays for Future

  • When: EVERY Friday, 12-1 pm

  • Where: In front of the Auburn City Hall

February 2023 interview with Shirley Ballinger and Mike Davis, who founded Fridays for Future in Auburn.

Envisioning A Livable Future

Envisioning a Livable Future is an online, serial conference marking the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. This groundbreaking document called climate change “one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day,” proposed an analysis of “the human roots of the ecological crisis,” and advanced a new ecological vision for the challenges ahead.

The conference seeks to inspire lively interdisciplinary dialogues aimed at:

  • Raising ecological consciousness,

  • Drawing attention to climate-forward initiatives, and

  • Encouraging both personal discernment and social action.

Following the four spring 2025 events, fall 2025 events will address investment and finance for a greener future, the promise and perils of technology, and the role of the arts.

The 4 Spring Events take place on-line from 3:30 to 4:45 Pacific time:

  • Wed. Jan. 29: The Current State of Climate Science

  • Mon. Feb. 17: The Contribution of Catholic Social Thought

  • Tues. Mar. 11: The Political Economy of Climate Change

  • Wed. Apr. 9: Environmental Politics

Click here to explore the series and register for any of the webinars.